Saturday, March 14, 2009

Gallery update

Portfolio update:
I made o little update on my portfolio.
A new category/album called Sci-fi & Fantasy was created. On this category you will find sketches, drawings and illustration related to sci-fi and fantasy.
Also, an update was made on Vectorized drawings category.

Eduard Mirica

The Collaboration With Intuitext

This weekend I finish a second collaboration with Intuitext company. Intuitext is an e-learning and educational software company providing interactive leaning software for kids and students.
I have worked on their educational software MateMagia (a software that teaches kids math in a fun an interactive way) making vectorized drawings and icons in Flash.
This collaboration with Intuitext was great. I recommend them to any freelance. It's a pleasure working with them.

Eduard Mirica

New Children Book Cover - "Daruri Literare"

Another project with which I had a lot of fun was the creation of "Daruri Literare" cover. "Daruri Literare" is a collection of fairy tales, stories and poetry for primary school students. The client was Adina Zmarandescu, the director of ArsLibri publishing house. She gave me freedom of choice for the cover. The idea with I came up ("Daruri Literare" means in english "Literary Gifts") was a present box (of course, it wasn't a regular present box) from which comes out fairy tales characters (Alladin, Genie of the lamp, Little Red Ridding Hood, Puss-in-Boots). For the back cover I made a book from which a mysterious and magic mist scatters.

Making this cover was fun and rewarding and the collaboration with Adina was great, like usual.

Eduard Mirica

The Design Of "X-tremTubBoating II" Flash Game

I had to recreate the atmosphere of X-tremeTubBoating flash game. This project was challenging because the artistic concept of the game it didn't came from scratch. The client ( wanted to create something new for the X-trmeTubBoating II but, in the same time, the feeling of first version of the game should remain. After I inserted the icon elements of the fist version and always kept in mind the key element of the game - that is craziness and chaos - , the new game started to take shape. At the end we got a new game, more challenging for the player, with a strong bound with the previous version.

Challenging, crazy, funny... overall a rewarding game!

Try to play it. It's total madness. (Tip: stay on the rainbow! It's crucial, man! )

Eduard Mirica